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Todd Haugh

Todd Haugh is an Associate Professor of Business Law and Ethics at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. His scholarship focuses on white collar and corporate crime, business and behavioral ethics, and federal sentencing policy, exploring the decision-making processes of the players most central to the commission and adjudication of economic crime and unethical business conduct.

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Times of Crisis: Arguing for a Public Health Model of Compliance

by Todd Haugh


May 15, 2022

It is not always easy to see positives in times of crisis. One would be forgiven for failing to do so lately. Over the past two years we have lived through a centenary event, a global pandemic that has killed almost six million worldwide and set the global economy back some $16 trillion. As we emerge from the pandemic’s grip, the world now faces an escalating war in Europe, the likes of which we have not seen since the Second World War. ... (cont)