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Ciaran Walker

Ciaran Walker is a qualified lawyer in Ireland, England &Wales. He is a Consultant in the Financial Services Regulation & Governance Group at Eversheds Sutherland and co-author of New Accountability in Financial Services: Changing Individual Behaviour and Culture.

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Accountability Regimes: Will they succeed in changing behavior and culture in banking?

by Ciaran Walker


May 15, 2022

The Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SMCR) has been in place in the UK since 2016. It has provided a model for the subsequent introduction of new individual accountability regimes in Hong Kong (the Manager-in-Charge regime, 2016), Australia (the Banking Executive Accountability Regime, 2018, soon to be replaced by a more extensive Financial Accountability Regime), and Singapore (Guidelines on individual accountability and conduct, 2021), ... (cont)