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Fired SocGen Trader Blames Risk Team

by Starling Insights


May 06, 2024

As reported by the Financial Times, a Société Générale trader based out of Hong Kong was fired last year for taking unauthorized risky bets. However, the trader has argued that he did nothing improper. He went on to claim that the "entire risk team and other bosses" knew or could have known about the trades and overreacted when they were eventually discovered.

All Tags Hong KongFrance
The 2024 Compendium is available June 11th!

Now in its 7th year, Starling's Compendium features over 40 contributors from across the industry as well as detailed analysis of the latest trends in culture & conduct risk supervision.

2019 UPDATE | France

by Starling Insights


Mar 26, 2019

In a January 2019 speech, First Deputy Governor Denis Beau described how technology can “enhance compliance with regulation or risk management practices [and] also help the supervisor to perform its task more efficiently.” Beau noted that RegTech and SupTech (supervisory technologies) were “promising,” and said to think of the “potential gain of efficiency… if a supervisor could turn his backward looking monitoring tools into predictive processes.” ... cont

All Tags RegtechFrance