ESG considerations have moved to the center of investment deliberations, reshaping markets and demanding of firms new priorities and disclosures. While the E and S get most attention, many institutional investors prioritize the G element, prompting calls for better governance metrics.
by Colin Mayer
Jun 11, 2024Profit derives from the Latin, proficere, profectus, to advance and progress. That is what profit should come from. But too frequently it comes from neither advancement nor progress but at least in part also decline and regress.
by Gary Cohn, Keith Noreika, Barbara Novick
May 15, 2022Novick: Whether it’s the media, the shareholder proposals, the data requests — any way you cut it — I think we can all agree that the lion’s share focuses on E and S. And that’s unfortunate, because G is the most important. When we ask, “what’s good governance?”, the answer usually echoes Justice Potter Stewart: “I know it when I see it.” It’s important that we recognize that each company is different, that different industries have different risks.
May 15, 2022Observations
Sep 10, 2021